Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the 9th European Framework Program for Research and Innovation that will run between 2021-2027. The global allocation is 94 billion euros and supports both European consortium projects (carried out by entities from multiple countries) and individual projects.

The structure of Horizon Europe is based on three complementary and interconnected pillars:

  • Pillar I: Science of Excellence;
  • Pillar II: Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness;
  • Pillar III: Innovative Europe.

The main types of expenses are eligible:

  • Cost with staff;
  • Materials, raw materials and components;
  • Equipment and software (depreciation during the period of use);
  • Subcontracting of services (in duly justified cases)
  • Trips;
  • Indirect costs.


Paulo Moura Castro

Paulo Moura Castro

Partner | Incentives, Financial and Transaction Serviçes
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Pedro Oliveira Almeida

Pedro Oliveira Almeida

Manager | Incentives
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